Sunday, October 21, 2007

1st Snow

Well here it is Sunday, 10/21/07 and we have snow. I woke up this morning a bit disappointed because I thought I would wake up to snow and there was none. By the time I got dressed and headed out the door to check on Jasmine, it had begun to snow. The dogs and I headed to the stable to check on how Jas did during the night and if her blanket actually kept her dry. The trip was a bit nerve wracking. What began as snow turned to hail and it was foggy, by the time we got to Stocktons it had turned to snow.

I went to the field where Jas in pastured and called her. It was if she were waiting to hear my voice and let out a neigh and came runing, blanket firmly in place. I put her halter on her and led her to where I had parked my car. The dogs were terribly curious, this was the 2nd day in a row they had accompanied me to see this super huge dog. Bugs and Murphy were desperate to get out the car but since I didn't have their leashes with me, they had to remain in the car. I gave Jasmine her ration of sweet feed and checked under her blanket. Happily I can report that my 20 year old mare was toasty warm and dry. The only part of her that was exposed to the weather was her head/neck and tail, the rest of her was covered and dry. After losing Fancy this summer I've vowed to be sure my remaining horse will be protected from the elements if I can accomplish it.

Now we're home sitting in front of the TV watching the Dever Donkeys and have a nice fire going. Life is good.

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