Saturday, November 24, 2007

This and That

Wow, it's been over a month since I've written anything. Amazing how quickly time passes.

It's Thanksgiving weekend. I've been on vacation since Wednesday and it's been great having time to do the things I've wanted to do and to do absolutely nothing at all. Jonathan and I celebrate Thanksgiving alone this year. We had originally planned to take the dogs and go camping for the weekend but weather prevented us from seeing that to fruitation. It snowed on Wednesday and has been down right cold the rest of the time. It was fine, we had a wonderful dinner here at home and enjoyed each others company. I even tried my hand at roasting a duck. It turned out really good.

Last night we spent the evening with our friends Rick and Donna Carter. It's always a pleasure to be around them. It was somewhat subdued last night but then Rick is on deathwatch with his mother. That sort of thing does tend to put a damper on any festivities.

I've been knitting up a storm again. Jonathan calls it therapy for me. Meditative therapy to be exact. Thus far I've knitted an afghan for the spare bedroome and a prayer shawl to give as a gift. I'm currently working on another afghan. It does seem to calm me and working with large needles helps make the work go fast. I'll have to take some pictures to post here of the things I've finished.

Well off to start the day.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Wow here it is November 1st already! It's hard to believe that this time last week Jonathan and I were in great anticipation about heading SW to Houston and to see Bob and Margaret.

We left Thursday morning around 11:15 am and headed out on another one of our great adventures. It took us about 20 hours driving down, this includes stops along the way and spending the night in Paul's Valley OK. That's a story in and of itself but I'll include it in this story.

Our first stop was in Colby, KS to buy Wizard of Oz souviners. I discovered this little "Oasis on the Prarie" as it's dubbed on my move to Colorado 7 years ago (10/19/00). The service stations there have the most wonderful T-shirts/hats etc depicting the Wizard of Oz. We bought gobs of stuff. Jonathan had to have a T-shirt that had something on it about the Wicked Witch Travel Agency. My favorite was the shot glass that said "Propert of the Wicked Witch"

We traveled on into Oklahoma and through a town called Tankawa. When I had gone through OK almost 7 years ago I spent the night there. I mistakenly called it Towankadonka and that's the name we refer to it now. Of course Jonathan had never been to the magical land of Towankadonka nor seen what the Okies thought of as their mountain range, duely named what else? The Towankadonka Mountain Range.